No way! This is incredible. (Dramatic pause). Until about seventeen minutes ago, I had entirely forgotten that I even had a blog, but having recently been handed my intellectual/creative arse by a trusted colleague from my writing group, I realized--a word here which means 'was forced to actually look at my talent with a critical, yet, caffeine-deprived eye'-- that approximately 87% of my stories' content are, in fact, asides. Asides are those quasi-witty, vaguely metaphorical, and always awkward reminiscences told from a character's POV that have little to nothing to do with that tiny setback that has so many writers reaching for a Grande All No-Water Chai: the "plot". I would elaborate, but having had a recent minor head trauma that triggered another bout of short-term memory recovery issues --also known as anterograde amnesia-- I'm currently blanking on how this paragraph began.
But so it is, I dedicate this, my online diary: "The Davis Girl" to you; my friends, family, and future devoted fans of my original New York Times chart-topping, heart-pounding, page-turning, Best-Selling books. And just for the record: My goal is to have REPLICA published on or before 12:00 midnight on February 18th, 2011. I think what I'm most looking forward to is the book tour. Not only will I:
a). get to meet the first of my throngs of devoted fans, but
b). I hear that most book sellers give free, yes FREE coffee to the visiting famous author and
c). I'm 100% certain that the hotel to which my comfort has been assigned has a pool!
I ask you, is there anything better than the smell of chlorine and fifty-seven gallons of fabric softener that so often accompanies the memories of childhood? God love SPEBSQA Conventions. As the dawn of the onset of the serious consideration of the planning of the second draft of REPLICA approaches, I'm catching myself projecting in more and more detail, what the reception of my first book will be like. And, Dear Reader, I know that you are just as curious as me, so here in print, is my (future) first exclusive interview as a famoused published author:
But first, I need a Grande All No-Water Chai.
More soon,