January 24, 2016

Winter Storm Jonas & Other Cool Things

Winter Storm Jonas

Three-and-a-half weeks into 2016 and it's already kicking 2015's backside.

This morning I took my laptop and sunhat out on the deck into my Adirondack chair to field notes of concern regarding our well-being during Winter Storm Jonas.

Here's my view of Winter Storm Jonas from the Adirondack chair:

I'm grateful for the concern, but it was about 68 here today.


Other Cool Things

In keeping with the infancy of the new year, I've chosen to simplify. In my writing, my home, my career, my food. In fact, this simplicityness started with food.  Corn syrup allergies don't care that I love Chinese food and Count Chocula.

Though, I can't eat enough raw fruit lately. Also, carrots. And pizza. But homemade pizza.

What makes the home made pizza even better is that we inherited a stand-mixer and the dough/bread/cookie batter has never been better.

Curse you, technology.

I thought I had it down pat, but man-oh-man. That mixer, what with it's knobs and such.

What a world!

Predictions for 2016:

My freelance business will starts with a bang and a continue with fizzle.

I dabble brilliantly in curriculum design.

My Etsy store will sells out--in the good way. (Thanks Mom!).

Trump drops out.

Three friends will get pregnant.

Nieces and nephews will compete musically.

I will be published seven times.

Henry and Ridley coach me to stardom on their Animal Planet variety show.

I will sell out--in the bad way--on YouTube.

Unicorn overlords will reveal themselves at the first new moon after a solstice, only to be usurped by Peruvian Howler Monkeys.

New bicycle!

Inevitable heat-death of the universe.

What are YOUR 2016 predictions? Let me know in the comments!