December 29, 2017

Downward Farting Dog: Adventures in Beginning Yoga

Puppy stretching courtesy of Google image search.
So I went to my third neighborhood yoga class today.

Puppy stretching courtesy of Google image search.

There were six of us, plus the instructor. And I ripped one. Real good.

Puppy stretching courtesy of Google image search.

Not that it was pungent. Just well-heard.

Puppy stretching courtesy of Google image search.

I mean, the instructor did say today's focus would be on poses that are good for the digestive track, so in the ericacentric model of the universe in which I reside,

Puppy stretching courtesy of Google image search.
she took it as a compliment.

Puppy stretching courtesy of Google image search.
And a very special thanks to my new yoga partner (looking at you SG) who didn't even bat an eyelash.

Footage of SG and Erica at yoga (courtesy of Google images).

Namaste, girl.