January 13, 2018

I do the words.

It's about dang time for some good news.

I booked my first client. I am now available for freelance editing.

While I'm still working out my full menu of services--even editors have their favorites: I HATE GRAMMAR-- I know I want it to include those services I needed when I was starting out with my own manuscript. 

In that perfect ericacentric model of the universe in which I live some of those services would include:

Full In-manuscript comments...$.007/word

Gut Reaction To Your Title......$3

Talking You Out Of Quitting.....$Unicorn stickers

Talking You Into Quitting For the Right Reasons.....$nuggles

Is This Chapter Ending In The Right Place?.....$New Tea Mug Filled With Junior Mints!

As I started writing this post seven minutes ago, the above menu items were, of course, a joke, but something is ringing true for me here. I have hired editors in the past two years and what I can say is I got what I paid for, in the best way possible. But I just wasn't ready for it. Maybe I should have started with a chapter critique. I just didn't feel comfortable reading from someone else what was NOT working with my manuscript.

I wonder if parents feel this. I wonder if MY parents felt this... 
"Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Davis, thanks for coming in. Erica is great to have in this story, but she's just not making sense--as a person. Maybe you could delete her and have a horse farm instead? Or maybe she' be better off in a flashback you only think about at Samhain?"
So maybe there's something there. At any rate, change is in the air and I am ready. 

If and when you might be ready for a fresh set of eyes on something, send me a message at erica.secor@gmail.com or via DMs on Twitter @TheDavisGirl. 

If I don't offer what you need just yet, we'll figure it out together.

Stay classy cookie pantsers.