December 30, 2008

Yes, Dad, I'm still writing...

...I never stopped. But blogging took a back seat since the last 1/3 of 2008 has been pretty distracting, but in an amazing sort of way.

How amazing was 2008? Here's how amazing:

-Morgan and Thom had twins.
-I bought my first kayak.-I finished filing my 2004 taxes.-I realized the upside to spending $5 per gallon on gas: It makes getting a latte at Starbucks feel like charity work.

And while I'm always looking forward to a fresh shiny new year like 2009, I can't help but look back on
2008 with a sort of chokey-gurgle-sneeze squeal thing. And I've got my reasons. Like back in...
JANUARY when after a twelve day illness, I set out for Providence, RI to see Amy, one my oldest friends and her new husband for their Superbowl party. There, I ate home made chicken wings fresh from a brand new deep fryer, and learned all sorts of exciting words like linebacker, halfback, and Pepto-Bismol.
FEBRUARY After a rough handful of weeks apartment hunting, my roommate and I finally moved into a huge old place on the outskirts of the city. It was close enough to work, which was great if I ever wanted to bike the two miles there. All I would have to do is get a new bike then choose between joining The Bloods or The Crips (NOTE: the first time I said this to someone, I thought we laughed because I was making a very clever, if not, dark joke. It turns out: the surrounding streets of our neighborhood are, in fact, populated by several upstanding members of The Crips).

MARCH was when I decided last minute to go and see the St. Patty's Day parade in the city. What a hoot! It was windy, icy cold, and the sun was shining! I grabbed a hot latte at 'Bucks and saw bagpipes, balloons, Irish Wolf Hounds, Shetland Ponies, Irish Dancers, drunk men, police, funny hats, and all sorts of traditional Irish performances. But my hands-down favorite part was the floats and without questions the best float had to be the Kayaking/Rock-climbing one. There was even a guy rigged up to a harness climbing a replica of the famous Irish rock formation called Giant's Causeway (float pictured above).
APRIL I have no recollection of this month. But, since I am my father's daughter, it behooves me to touch on recent political events and the current soci0-economic state of the nation--OH! WAIT! April's when my throat and lips got all itchy and I found out that I'm allergic to peanuts, spinach, and all corn products and by-products and that if I continue to ingest even trace amounts of these items, the likelihood increases that these -my food allergies- will become anaphylactic. And a special thanks goes out to my fellow food allergy suffering roommate without whom I would never have developed an irrational fear of grocery stores.

MAY I learned that my good friend Lea eloped with her boyfriend of six thousand years. Lea and I met at my first job here in Connecticut where we worked for The Devil Who Wears Too Much Make-up. Congrats Lea! On the left is a photo of us from her reception later in the summer. Not pictured: Great Uncle Hank who wins the Most Likely to Hug You For Just A Liiiittle Too Long Award.
On the 21st, I went kayaking for the first time in years. It is a city-run guided program where
I meet a park ranger whom I eventually start dating, also known as "He Who Requests To Be Known In This Blog As Ranger Sexy Pants" (HWRTBKITBARSP). And guess what? HWRTBKITBARSP just so happens to be the brains behind the kayaking/rock climbing float on St. Patty's Day (See MARCH). Coincidence? Perhaps.
JULY I take off from work to spend some summer weeks in tropical Buffalo. Then, my beautiful, healthy twin nieces are born on the 5th. Through tears of joy and relief, our family grows into double trouble. Happy Birthday and welcome home Kelsey Faith and Catie Rose!

AUGUST I've known Anna since Kindergarten, so it was with pride, love, laughter, and tears that I watched her walk down the aisle to the man of her dreams. And what's more romantic than attending your best friend's dream wedding with your gorgeous and happily married big sister as your date?
Seriously though, Morgan and I were the cutest Davis Girls there.

During The 29th Olympiad, the United States brings home more medals than any other statistic I could find from
Towards the end of the month, communications with
HWRTBKITBARSP, are on the rise, he asks me to be on his bowling team. I say yes, and the rest is history in the making.
SEPTEMBER On the 1st of September HWRTBKITBARSP and I go on our first un-chaperoned date to a diner in "downtown" Branford. So, now when people ask me that time-old question: "Erica, when did you first KNOW that you could get a piece of omelet lodged in your trachea then projectile sneeze it out of your nose?" I can say it was then. Later in the month, HWRTBKITBARSP and I take our first road trip to Maine, where we met up with my old pals from my wilderness instructor days Clobby P. and J. Kilch (pictured right).

OCTOBER Hosted a very successful Haskoween Potluck at work, with a special visit from the Guilt Fairy, whom no one seemed to like. But the best Halloween party was without corn products at HWRTBKITBARSP's, where I came in second place for the Most Obvious Use of a Three Dollar Glue Gun.

NOVEMBER I travel to Buffalo with HWRTBKITBARSP to attend my first Sabres home game. Did I mention HWRTBKITBARSP is a huge Sabres fan? Coincidence? Perhaps. But between his iPhone, natural honing skills, and effortless charm, he found out more about the parking situation than the valets. Sabres lost 5-4 in overtime, but I got a soft pretzel.
DECEMBER I still can't get used to how green Connecticut is, even in winter. Actually since you've been reading this, about 3" of snow and ice have
covered the ground and my car. But it's so freakin' beautiful. HWRTBKITBARSP says that here in CT, you really have to pray for a white Christmas. But no prayers were needed for the white stuff in Buffalo. After Aunt Margo's amazing Christmas Breakfast, we open presents. Them. Mom and Dad tell me that my gift is to help send me to a writers conference in NYC this August, which I think I very well may take them up on. Immediately following the conference, HWRTBKITBARSP and I head to Ireland to see Giant's Causeway (right). Coincidence? Maybe.
Which brings us to today. The last hours of 2008. Amazing really is the best word to describe this year.
HWRTBKITBARSP has not only opened his heart and his home to me, but his friends too have met me with big smiles, too many laughs to count and open arms. Tonight, we are joined by our friends and family for a New Year's Eve/House Re-Heating party. So, Everyone: Here's wishing you all health, wealth, safe travels, many blessings, laughs and an amazing new year.
Dad, I may be off the blogging radar now and again, but my future best-seller can't type itself. So, rest assured that I'm always writing --I come by it honestly-- and that you're still my #1 man. I love you forever. Happy Birthday!

Your Davis Gir