June 7, 2018

Advice from an aunt to its niece

Ten years ago I wrote this post for my toddler niece.

She's not a toddler anymore but while the times may have changed, these tips (edited for relevance because I Am A Professional Now) stand the test of time.

Dear Hailey, 

Are you excited to be a teenager?

Since you are going to be the big sister on campus soon, I thought you might benefit from a few more tried and true tips on how to stay awes. 

  1. Eat Dessert First Dog food might smell great...Dog food might taste great, but it is not for giving to your little sister(s) no matter how much it looks like Coco Puffs. 
  2. Socks not Rocks. Please, don’t throw balls of socks for Catie or Kelsey to catch. Do you have any idea how much those black and grey tube socks look like rocks?
  3. Sharing means Caring. In a year’s time, your little sisters will be in love with EVERYTHING you use, wear, touch, eat, poop, and look at. Just please use a little more discretion than your mommy did in which you decide to let them have.
  4. Patience is a Virtue, Sort of. For the next few months eighteen years, your house is going to be what we in the “real world” call busy-busy --a word here meaning: twice as much crying, whining, complaining, tooting, stinking, and tantrum-throwing. And when this does happen, just give your parents time to chill out, especially if you are studying/FaceTiming me.
  5. You do You. When I was your age, I not ready to be a teenager. Turns out, that's okay! You grow and learn and shop and do science experiments at your own pace. Send anyone who has a problem with that my way, please.
  6. Lead by Example. Catie and Kelsey are going to be watching you, learning from you. But I’ll eat my hat if they ever listen to a word you or your parents say. So be mindful of what you do, how you walk, where you go, and what you touch, because they’ll be watching. Always watching. And if they see you sharing your toys with Brooke, they’ll do that. If they see you slipping Ashley a fiver to your laundry, they’ll do that. Except that they’ll pool their money so then Ashley has twice as much profit from doing half as much laundry since being the youngest AND twins they’ll share all the hand-me-downs, anyway. 
  7. Share your Feelings.  That [insert positive pop culture icon like Kermit] knows what they're talking about, but it's ok to have your own opinions and express them in your own way. Just not on MySpace.

Love you to the moon and back!
Auntie Erica

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